I'm keeping older eyes in mind. That's precisely why I asked if I could
optimize out non playing staves so that I can fit one more system on a page
so that a page turn is made easier, if not "perfect." I'd prefer to keep the
larger staff size, rather than reducing it another 5 or 10% so that I can
definitely squeeeeeeeze more music on a page.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Christopher Smith <
christopher.sm...@videotron.ca> wrote:

> On Sat Jul 3, at SaturdayJul 3 3:27 PM, Ray Horton wrote:
>> Just how difficult should Finale make it to reduce the size?   Should
>> warning bells go off if the user selects too small a percentage?
>> Finale makes it easy to reduce to 10% or enlarge to 999%.  At some point,
>> we need to have the common sense of the user (or the style sheet of a
>> publisher, since you have a complaint with a particular publisher) be a part
>> of the process, not more limits on a notation program.
>>  snip
>> This is the first time I've heard anyone ever complain that software was
>> too easy!
> Actually, I have complained about it for a while, and Dennis B-K, but a
> local hand copyist put it the best: "Now that it is so easy that any idiot
> can push the button, he does!"
> You know what I mean; easy things should be easy, and hard things should be
> hard. Maybe they should put a huge crank on the side of the computer that
> you have to turn by hand; unusual procedures make you break a sweat, while
> normal things you can give it a spin with two fingers.
> End rant.
> Christopher
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