On 10-Dec-10, at 10-Dec-10  11:57 PM, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

On Dec 10, 2010, at 6:59 PM, John Howell wrote:

Right, IF the rental Agencies decide to provide digital orchestra books. The same Agencies, of course, that are still sending out books copied 60 years ago by the contractor's brother-in-law!

True, though I haven't seen a hand written theater score in a LONG TIME......we'd have to go back to them late 90s I'd say when I first started doing shows. I rack up about 8 to 10 theater gigs/ subbing things a year (we are talking different shows, not actual number of times I go out and play). I haven't seen hand written scores at all.

I'd hazard a guess that John plays a lot of original orchestrations, while Eric plays a lot of remounts or reduced orchestrations, which have been re-arranged for a smaller band. Even transpositions would be done these days on computer, but these wouldn't necessarily find their way back to the rental agency. I know because I did a couple of these myself. You'd think the rental agency would want some nice clean parts done for a small band that might enhance the chances the show would be rented again, but no, they tend to leave those things up to the renters.

The weirdest thing was that when I spoke to them on the phone, they refused to furnish full scores, and told me that the terms of the agreement prevented me from making ANY changes at all to the music in any way! I pointed out to him that the producer had a signed contract with all the terms laid out, which included him commissioning a re- orchestration of the show for a smaller band. I also knew for a fact that they had several different versions of some of the tunes in different keys, because the official first-run version of the show had different actors with different ranges from night to night, but I couldn't get them to give me THOSE, either! I ended up working from 16 or so open parts books laid in a big semicircle around my desk. I also didn't hand over my re-orchestrations when the run was finished, and they never asked.

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