I have an ex student F.B. friend, who wants to know if the last line of this Old English version means "deliver us from evil," or from "Yule." Any experts?


This is a 13th century version. Oure Fader that art in heuene, halewed be thi name. Thi kyngdom come to us. Thi wylle be don, as in heuene, & in erthe. Oure eche dayes breed geue us to day. & forgeue us oure dettys, as we forgeue oure dettourys. And ne lede us not in temptacyon, but delyuere us of yuel. Amen.

I have opened my soul/To let in the warmth of sound/Now my saving grace
Adrian Estabrook, author

And ... I remain intrigued that some folks who accept and practice, with absolute fidelity, the concepts of, say, feng shui and pyramids, should find the task of extending their leaps of faith to include an existent God so arduous.
Dean M. Estabrook

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