hey lee,  i'm not getting this crash at all, are you using TGT 2.6? 
not sure it would make a diff, but if not, try updating.  i got over 
my fears and installed it and today and it is running more or less as 
expected, and i think it is even faster on 2012 than it was on 2012, 
don't know if that is possible (?).

i am however discovering that it isn't shifting on some notes, will 
explore more tomorrow, but maybe was only in the viola voices, so may 
have to do with how the PI "reads" the actual pitches... (?)

>"Align dynamics" works (whew!), but "shift accidentals" spins for a 
>while and then dies (this is on Win7 x64).  To my eye, the default 
>spacing for accidentals in a chord is much too wide

hm, sounds like you haven't explored the settings in the accis tab 
for accis between 4th, 5ths and 6ths, or the "sixths" tabs which has 
even more fine-tuning.  also, you prob won't need it (the default 
settings work even with my custom font), but you can also adjust the 
values the PI considers to be the default widths of nat b # bb and x.

or if you mean the finale default, you can change this in the doc options.

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