not wanting to induce panic, but i hope this doesn't have anything to 
do with the file overwrite problem some have had.

i just did a few tests (but haven't got a solution for you, sorry!) 
on a document i just set up for the tests.

if the document has only one part and the part name has a slash, it 
prints correctly.  probably because in this case it doesn't append 
the instrument name to the PDF as it does with multi-part documents 
(i didn't know this!)...

so i have a mellophone PT with its instrument name defined in manage 
PTs as "instrument/part" and added a horn in F and generated PTs. 
when i print (select both PTs to print) i get only one PDF (although 
the print dialogue appears twice, as you have experienced) whose 
filename is "testscore.mus - Horn in F.pdf" but in fact the 
instrument name showing is "instrument/part"... very strange.

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