If I use the Scoremanager to specify I am using tablature, ukulele and then 
insert a C chord into the score, it rightly displays "C", but puts a diagram of 
an F chord underneath the C.  Same same with all other uke chords, they're a 
fourth/fifth out.

On 22 Jun 2014, at 5:26 pm, Christopher Smith <christopher.sm...@videotron.ca> 

> Okay, a couple of basics.
> When you type a chord, you are typing three things, according to Finale. You 
> are typing the root, the alteration to the root if there is one (C or C#, for 
> example), and finally the suffix. When you type a suffix, you are only typing 
> the characters in the suffix. If the suffix is not found with those 
> characters IN THE EXACT ORDER AND CASE YOU TYPED THEM, then you will get an 
> error message asking if you want to create the missing suffix. Unless you are 
> using Arial as a suffix font, do not answer "yes" to this dialogue box, as 
> you will jump out of your window from frustration in a few hours. Create the 
> missing suffix manually instead.
> You are right that the chord you want is not included in some Finale suffix 
> libraries. You will have to tell me which library you have loaded to give me 
> a clue. If you have a JazzCord suffix library loaded, many of these suffixes 
> ARE NOT SEPARATE CHARACTERS, but only one character. If you go to the Help 
> menu and select Character Sets>Jazz Font and scroll down to the JazzCord 
> font, you will see that 7#5b9 is indeed missing, but you DO have 7b9b13 by 
> typing opt-Q, for example.
> You will also see that you have a "constructor set" of all the different 
> glyphs you need to make a similar-looking suffix. Unfortunately, duplicating 
> an existing suffix and trying to edit it will cause you much headaches. For 
> one thing, let's say you have a suffix that is NOT only one gylph (which you 
> can't edit, of course) but is actually separate characters typed (in order) 
> 7(b9) and you want to duplicate it and add the #5. This may be much more 
> complicated than it appears.
> You can NOT insert characters into the sequence. You cannot DELETE characters 
> from the sequence without deleting ALL of the following characters. This 
> means that if you try to insert the #5 in front of the b9, you will end up 
> having to DELETE everything except 7( and type everything in one by one, then 
> manually dragging it into position (or trying to guess what numbers would 
> give you the proper result in the position boxes!) This edit window is tiny, 
> the nudge keys do not work, and if you want to stack the alterations you will 
> NOT find double-height parentheses in the font. Also, if you later try to 
> type 7(#5b9)  but the entered order was actually 7(b9#5), then THAT is the 
> only way to type it. Gah.
> Your problem with the b instead of a flat has a solution, but I don't know 
> it. Sorry about that. I solved it about ten years back and promptly forgot 
> it. Tech support should be able to help with this one.
> You have a place to define and edit playback in the suffix editor. It is the 
> button called Play. Chords get pounded out on the downbeat, double-forte, in 
> the exact position you entered them, but transposed according to the root of 
> the chord. That means NO voice-leading! Band in a Box does this kind of thing 
> beautifully (programmed by Oliver Gannon, quite a musician!) but the BIAB and 
> the MIBAC plugins stopped working long ago in Finale. It is ugly to the point 
> of being useless as a reference. As a result, I never use the chord playback, 
> but enter my own chord realisations in Layer 1 and let it be hidden by the 
> Slash Notation staff style.
> There is no way to see what chord has a playback and which ones don't. Yes, 
> this sucks.
> Do yourself (and every other user!) a favour and complain about all of this 
> to Tech Support. There is so much wrong here, it isn't funny.
> Christopher
> On Sat Jun 21, at SaturdayJun 21 11:34 PM, Craig Parmerlee wrote:
>> I have found the the whole chord thing unbelievably tedious for as long 
>> as I have used Finale -- over 10 releases I'm sure.
>> I decided to take some time to really try to learn how to make the 
>> system work tonight.  This has been a miserable failure.
>> My ideal would be to be able to enter chords as easily as you can with 
>> Band-in-a-box.  If you want a "7 sharp 5 flat 9" chord, you simply type 
>> A7#5b9 and there is nothing to it.  But not with Finale.
>> First off, that chord isn't even defined to Finale as far as I ca tell, 
>> so I decided to try to add it myself.  I used the convention that is 
>> consistent with the other chords in Finale, typing "A7(#5b9)".  That 
>> took me to a dialog to define my own chord.  I entered the playback 
>> intervals.  There are lots of bugs in this.  I crashed Finale 2014 
>> several times doing that, but I think I eventually ended up with the 
>> correct playback.
>> The problem is that the suffix displays with the "b" instead of the flat 
>> symbol.  No problem, I thought I would go in and edit the symbols.  I 
>> was able to change that symbol to a flat, displaying adequately.  But 
>> now the suffix library has been altered so I can no longer enter the 
>> suffix using the "b" character, and there is no way to enter the flat 
>> symbol when entering chords.
>> I can't find any way to get this to work right.  I notice that the 
>> default library allows you to type "A7(b9)" and displays it with the 
>> flat symbol, but I cannot find any way to get my suffix set up that way.
>> It is really discouraging that after so many releases, this chord thing 
>> would be as bad as it is.  For example, is there any way to simply 
>> display the chord suffixes that are already defined?  I don't think so 
>> -- I sure couldn't find it.  I know I must have created a lot of garbage 
>> over the last 3 hours and I'd like to get rid of the useless entries, 
>> but it appears Finale doesn't even provide a way to see what is there.
>> And similarly, it seems that there is no way to change the playback 
>> voicing (or even see it) once a chord is defined.  The "edit suffix" 
>> dialog leaves out the playback section altogether.
>> Am I missing something very basic here?
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