On 8/7/2014 12:51 AM, Craig Parmerlee wrote:
> Wow.  That parent company has absolutely nothing to do with music.  They
> talk about this as if making music is analogous to doing chin-ups.  And
> notice that they are dumping the whole MakeMusic management team, or so
> it seems." Current MakeMusic CEO, Karen VanDerBosch and the rest of her
> executive team will assist with the transition."
> That's a hell of a way to end the company.  Put it under control of a
> person who thinks writing a symphony is simply a matter of getting
> enough reps.
> That's really disgusting.

Michael Good, current V.P. of technology, is staying on, which is a good 

As to dumping Karen VanDerBosch, I must say that the releases of Finale 
which have come during her tenure have not been the best, so that might 
not be a bad thing.  Just reading the complaints recently about people 
having to do some work in 2012 then move to 2014 for other work to avoid 
the 2012 bugs and then having to revert back to 2012 to avoid the 2014 
bugs makes me wonder whether MakeMusic even has a debugging department 
any more.

David H. Bailey
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