Public Health Risk Seen as Parents Reject Vaccines
Monica Almeida/The New York Times

SAN DIEGO — In a highly unusual outbreak of measles
here last month, 12 children fell ill; nine of them
had not been inoculated against the virus because
their parents objected, and the other three were too
young to receive vaccines.

The parents who objected to their children being
inoculated are among a small but growing number of
vaccine skeptics in California and other states who
take advantage of exemptions to laws requiring
vaccinations for school-age children.

The exemptions have been growing since the early 1990s
at a rate that many epidemiologists, public health
officials and physicians find disturbing.

Children who are not vaccinated are unnecessarily
susceptible to serious illnesses, they say, but also
present a danger to children who have had their shots
— the measles vaccine, for instance, is only 95
percent effective — and to those children too young to
receive certain vaccines.

Measles, almost wholly eradicated in the United States
through vaccines, can cause pneumonia and brain
swelling, which in rare cases can lead to death. The
measles outbreak here alarmed public health officials,
sickened babies and sent one child to the hospital.

Every state allows medical exemptions, and most permit
exemptions based on religious practices. But an
increasing number of the vaccine skeptics belong to a
different group — those who object to the inoculations
because of their personal beliefs, often related to an
unproven notion that vaccines are linked to autism and
other disorders.

Twenty states, including California, Ohio and Texas,
allow some kind of personal exemption, according to a
tally by the Johns Hopkins University.

“I refuse to sacrifice my children for the greater
good,” said Sybil Carlson, whose 6-year-old son goes
to school with several of the children hit by the
measles outbreak here. The boy is immunized against
some diseases but not measles, Ms. Carlson said, while
his 3-year-old brother has had just one shot,
protecting him against meningitis.

“When I began to read about vaccines and how they
work,” she said, “I saw medical studies, not given to
use by the mainstream media, connecting them with
neurological disorders, asthma and immunology.”

Ms. Carlson said she understood what was at stake. “I
cannot deny that my child can put someone else at
risk,” she said.

In 1991, less than 1 percent of children in the states
with personal-belief exemptions went without vaccines
based on the exemption; by 2004, the most recent year
for which data are available, the percentage had
increased to 2.54 percent, said Saad B. Omer, an
assistant scientist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health.

While nationwide over 90 percent of children old
enough to receive vaccines get them, the number of
exemptions worries many health officials and experts.
They say that vaccines have saved countless lives, and
that personal-belief exemptions are potentially
dangerous and bad public policy because they are not
based on sound science.

“If you have clusters of exemptions, you increase the
risk of exposing everyone in the community,” said Dr.
Omer, who has extensively studied disease outbreaks
and vaccines.

It is the absence, or close to it, of some illnesses
in the United States that keep some parents from
opting for the shots. Worldwide, 242,000 children a
year die from measles, but it used to be near one
million. The deaths have dropped because of
vaccination, a 68 percent decrease from 2000 to 2006.

“The very success of immunizations has turned out to
be an Achilles’ heel,” said Dr. Mark Sawyer, a
pediatrician and infectious disease specialist at Rady
Children’s Hospital in San Diego. “Most of these
parents have never seen measles, and don’t realize it
could be a bad disease so they turn their concerns to
unfounded risks. They do not perceive risk of the
disease but perceive risk of the vaccine.”

Dr. Sawyer and the vast majority of pediatricians
believe strongly that vaccinations are the cornerstone
of sound public health. Many doctors view the
so-called exempters as parasites, of a sort,
benefiting from the otherwise inoculated majority.

Most children get immunized to measles from a combined
measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, a live virus.

While the picture of an unvaccinated child was once
that of the offspring of poor and uneducated parents,
“exempters” are often well educated and financially
stable, and hold a host of like-minded child-rearing

Vaccine skeptics provide differing explanations for
their belief that vaccines may cause various illnesses
and disorders, including autism.

Recent news that a federal vaccine court agreed to pay
the family of an autistic child in Georgia who had an
underlying mitochondrial disorder has led some
skeptics to speculate that vaccines may worsen such
conditions. Again, researchers say there is no
evidence to support this thesis.

Alexandra Stewart, director of the Epidemiology of
U.S. Immunization Law project at George Washington
University, said many of these parents are influenced
by misinformation obtained from Web sites that oppose

“The autism debate has convinced these parents to
refuse vaccines to the detriment of their own children
as well as the community,” Ms. Stewart said.

While many parents meet deep resistance and even
hostility from pediatricians when they choose to
delay, space or reject vaccines, they are often able
to find doctors who support their choice.

“I do think vaccines help with the public health and
helping prevent the occasional fatality,” said Dr. Bob
Sears, the son of the well-known child-care author by
the same name, who practices pediatrics in San
Clemente. Roughly 20 percent of his patients do not
vaccinate, Dr. Sears said, and another 20 percent
partially vaccinate.

“I don’t think it is such a critical public health
issue that we should force parents into it,” Dr. Sears
said. “I don’t lecture the parents or try to change
their mind; if they flat out tell me they understand
the risks I feel that I should be very respectful of
their decision.”

Some parents of unvaccinated children go to great
lengths to expose their children to childhood diseases
to help them build natural immunities.

In the wake of last month’s outbreak, Linda Palmer
considered sending her son to a measles party to
contract the virus. Several years ago, the boy, now
12, contracted chicken pox when Ms. Palmer had him
attend a gathering of children with that virus.

“It is a very common thing in the natural-health
oriented world,” Ms. Palmer said of the parties.

She ultimately decided against the measles party for
fear of having her son ostracized if he became ill.

In the late 1960s and 1970s, measles outbreaks in
Alaska and California triggered strong enforcement of
vaccine mandates by states, and exemption laws

While the laws vary from state to state, most allow
children to attend school if their parents agree to
keep them home during any outbreak of illnesses
prevented by vaccines. The easier it is to get an
exemption — some states require barely any paperwork —
the more people opt for them, according to Dr. Omer’s
research, supported by other vaccine experts.

There are differences within states, too. There tend
to be geographic clusters of “exempters” in certain
counties or even neighborhoods or schools. According
to a 2006 article in The Journal of The American
Medical Association, exemption rates of 15 percent to
18 percent have been found in Ashland, Ore., and
Vashon, Wash. In California, where the statewide rate
is about 1.5 percent, some counties were as high as 10
percent to 19 percent of kindergartners.

In the San Diego measles outbreak, four of the cases,
including the first one, came from a single charter
school, and 17 children stayed home during the
outbreak to avoid contracting the illness.

There is substantial evidence that communities with
pools of unvaccinated clusters risk infecting a broad
community that includes people who have been

For instance, in a 2006 mumps outbreak in Iowa that
infected 219 people, the majority of those sickened
had been vaccinated. In a 2005 measles outbreak in
Indiana, there were 34 cases, including six people who
had been vaccinated.

Here in California, six pertussis outbreaks infected
24 people in 2007; only 2 of 24 were documented as
having been appropriately immunized.

A surveillance program in the mid ’90s in Canada of
infants and preschoolers found that cases of Hib fell
to between 8 and 10 cases a year from 550 a year after
a vaccine program was begun, and roughly half of those
cases were among children whose vaccine failed.

Gardiner Harris contributed reporting from Washington.

--- Bethany Schroeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wish we all had the good sense do the right thing
> (and to know what's 
> right) without the State making our actions
> mandatory.
> Bethany
> Andy Goodell wrote:
> > I am not trying to say that antibacterial soap is
> the same thing as vaccinations. I am just pointing
> out that we can debate at what line we think is
> acceptable forever. Who is to say that we all need
> to use vaccinations, antibiotics, or soap?
> > And what about Gardasil? I know it's probably been
> tested for 10 years, but it scares me to know that
> something affecting the reproductive system appears
> to have came out all of a sudden that some people
> want all teenage females to take.
> > I just don't want this to turn into a "I Am
> Legend" scenario (or what's that other recent movie
> where no more children were born?) where we think we
> made great health advances only to find out later
> that it caused much worse problems. (I'm not saying
> that vaccinations are going to turn us into a
> dark-seeking blood thirsty species though!)
> > 
> > I've seen it happen with GMOs and biofuels where
> the government and most people are fooled into
> thinking some great advance will help us support
> more people (or crops), only to realize later that
> maybe it wasn't the best direction after all. And
> when we start directly involving health instead of
> food and fuel, I get more worried.
> > I am not really taking a side on whether NY should
> make vaccines mandatory, I just have some concerns
> with it as a concept.
> > -Andy
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