Hi Dan,

Did you run:
fink install pidgin

If so, there should be a binary file in addition to the .info and .patch files.

One way to tell would be posting the results of:
which pidgin


Dan Harkness wrote:
I'm new to Fink, so I figured it would be better to post on this list than on the users list, but let me know if I should go there instead.

I just installed Fink on El Capitan. According to /sw/bin/fink -V my fink version is 0.39.2. I installed it using the helper tool on github.

I just installed my first packages: pidgin-dev, pidgin-shlibs, and pidgin. Everything appears to have gone smoothly and fink shows each of them as installed. However, I can't run pidgin by typing it at the command line, nor do I see it in applications. When I run a locate to try to find the binary "locate pidgin" the only results I get are as follows:

$ locate pidgin
/sw/fink/10.9-libcxx/stable/main/finkinfo/crypto/pidgin.info <http://pidgin.info>

Am I missing something?

Daniel Harkness
dan.harkn...@gmail.com <mailto:dan.harkn...@gmail.com>

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