I'm a longtime (maybe four years, now!) Debian user who bought a Mac
laptop because of Fink, so excuse me if I go about this the wrong way,

Why do we even have this "fink" program?  
What about the Debian system didn't work?

If you look at the fink-beginners mailing list, they're literally littered
with people having problems with:
 - distribution sites going down
 - urls for packages changing minor revisions

Making packages ourselves (yourselves) will deal with both of those
problems, and it will make fink usable for people who don't want to
download a compiler (100mb+ download, last I recall).

Won't sourceforge give you the space for .deb packages?

(If you don't know what I'm talking about when I say "Debian system",
ask, and I'll explain... but I assume the people who could actually
effect this sort of change understand.)

      Evan Martin

Fink-devel mailing list

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