Max Horn wrote:

> Yeah, so I'd suggest this: "man apt-get" :-)

I thought I had done this (lame excuse, I know).
> I did that mysself just now. There is an "--reinstall" option.

Yes, thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. Works, too.

OTOH, this does not work for me:

> Alternatively, you could just use "fink reinstall bal". Now you only
> need to make sure that apt-get redownloads the .deb. You could force
> that by rm'ing the local copy of the .deb, I am not sure if apt-get
> has an option to force a download.

fink reinstall starts downloading source tarballs. apt-get seems to
remove its .debs immediately, maybe that's a config option somewhere.
But apt-get install without the --reinstall option just says it's sorry,
but I already have the latest version.

Thanks again.


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