Hi Folks,

        I'm slowly catching on to all this, but I still have a problem. 
I've managed to get vpython (www.vpython.org) 99% working on darwin, and 
I've even managed to create a .info file that successfully installs it 
with fink. That's the good news.. the bad news is that I'm getting 
exceptions under certain circumstances when c++ wrapper objects call 
functions of a plain "c" library using a shared data structure. I'm 
guessing that the problem is due to differences in assumptions that c 
and c++ are making about the contents/size/type of this shared data. 
Unfortunately I'm not the original author of either library, so I'm not 
really sure exactly what might be causing this. I was hoping that maybe 
someone on this list, who might have ported other software under darwin 
might immediately recognize these symptoms and suggest some obscure 
compiler/linker option that might be required on darwin to ensure 
successful interoperation of c/c++ code on darwin.

The only thing I've really changed at this point is the makefile. Here 
is what I'm using now to compile a typical c++ file:

c++ -g -I. -I./CXX/Include -I/sw/include/python2.2 
-I/sw/include/python2.2/Numeric -I/sw/include/gtk-1.2 
-I/sw/include/glib-1.2 -I/sw/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include 
-I/sw/include/glib-1.2 -I/sw/include   -c -o sphere.o sphere.cpp

Here is the final "link" step that produces a bundle:

c++ -L/sw/lib -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -L/sw/lib 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -lgmodule -lgthread -lglib -lpthread -ldl 
-lintl -lXext -lX11 -lm -lGL -lgtkgl -o cvisualmodule.so arrow.o 
arrprim.o box.o color.o cone.o convex.o curve.o cvisual.o cylinder.o 
display.o displaylist.o faceset.o frame.o gldevice.o kbobject.o light.o 
label.o mouseobject.o platlinux.o prim.o pvector.o rate.o ring.o 
sphere.o tmatrix.o vcache.o xgl.o ./CXX/Src/cxx_extensions.o 
./CXX/Src/cxxsupport.o ./CXX/Src/cxxextensions.o

The c++ objects are using Paul Dubois' CXX extensions to talk to Numeric 
(a "c" module) array objects.

Any help would be appreciated!


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