Martin Costabel wrote:
> On lundi, avril 15, 2002, at 02:48 , Masanori Sekino wrote:
> > Fixed in 0.9.9-4.
> Is this also an issue for the version in stable? I am not able to
> check this now, but if it is, it should probably be fixed before
> the release.

OK, I found an old mozilla-0.9.8-1.deb file and installed it. It was in
unstable at the time when I built it but I am pretty sure it's the same
as now in stable. Anyway, it has the same problem (Not really surprising
given that the wrapper script in question has not changed between
0.9.8-1 and 0.9.9-3). 

Since this can be fixed by a rather trivial change of the patch file, I
think it should be fixed in stable.

To recall: The problem is that due to a bug in the /sw/bin/mozilla
wrapper script, calling mozilla (while no instance of mozilla is
running) with the syntax

   mozilla URL

does not work. It quits silently after a few seconds without starting
mozilla. Here URL can be of the form
/sw/lib/mozilla/res/samples/test0.html or
file:/sw/lib/mozilla/res/samples/test0.html or or

Removing one word 'exec' from the wrapper script makes it work. 


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