Hash: RIPEMD160

How useful is Fink to you?
		(presents a scale from 1 to 8)
	-> a bit # # # # # # # # a lot
Hm, that's a very vague question I think.

Since this measures a personal impression, there is no other way gauge it. I cannot tell you how useful Fink is to me, so I will try to give it a value from 1 to 8. I can at least express something that way. I simply want a median value which can be calculated. In modern day surveys we call this "diversified impression value" usually you look at the standard deviation for this answer.

What do you use it for?
	-> System Administration
	-> Installing XFree Applications
	-> Running Gnome
	-> Running KDE
	-> Using Unix command line applications
Don't forget:
  -> Other (which: ....)

Yes, my bad.
Are you a long time Macintosh User?
	-> before 1997
	-> since 1997
	-> since 1998
	-> since 1999
	-> since 2000
	-> since 2001
	-> since 2002
This assumes implicitly users to be "Mac users", but there are also a lot of "converts" these days, coming from a unix or even windows background. So we should ask "have you had unix experience before using OS X" or something like that.

That question is indeed meant for macintosh Users. I should include a question whic reads somewhat like this:
Which kind of OD did you use Prior to Mac os X

and maybe

What other OS do you use.

Did Fink help you getting used to Mac OS X and its "Unicisms"
	(presents a scale from 1 to 8)
	-> a bit # # # # # # # # a lot
Again this assumes a mac user. I know a lot of people coming from linux who like Fink so much because it helps them feel more at home (debian users esp. :-)

Just as above this indeed is meant to gauge Macintosh Users.

Which new feature would you like to see most in furutre versions of Fink?
(( Please help here! ))
"furutre" ? :-)
jaa jaa.. still.. where's the list of features :P

Would you encourage Apple Inc. to officially support Fink?
	--> yes
	--> no
What kind of question is that? It seems a bit odd to me. If we want something like this in, IMHO it should be more formulated like
"Do you think Apple should support Fink"
The question is, why and what for is this...

This question merely gauges how the users feel about Fink. If they think that it is useful to them and has passed the level of being some sort of comfortable addition to the vendors operating system, they may also be supportive of us. As I said, I planned a very long mail, which is in the works, I spent more than 30 hours with our senior analyst now and we believe that Apple could help us a lot. This would only present us with a list of people that would back us up if we ever were to go in that direction.
It can of course be extracted from the survey.


Thanks for the quick answer.

- - "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
- - Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream to dream before.." Edgar Allen Poe - The Raven
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