On Mar 14, 2008, at 2:46 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

> Jean-François Mertens wrote:
> []
>> but right, if true it would encourage a fast update of anything in   
>> fink to gcc43
> I too have come round to the conclusion that this is indeed the best  
> plan for action at this moment. I would suggest that we band  
> together and do this update rather quickly.
> I am CCing fink-devel so that the maintainers of the 28 packages  
> concerned get a chance to act, but I think we should just test this  
> upgrade for each of these packages and then simply go ahead and  
> change any package that builds correctly with gcc43. As far as I  
> know, no problem with the switch from gcc42 to gcc43 has yet been  
> reported.
> Here are the package descriptions concerned:
> graphics/pdftk.info
> libs/cfitsio.info
> sci/atlas.info
> sci/avl.info
> sci/cernlib2005.info
> sci/dx.info
> sci/fftw.info
> sci/fftw3.info
> sci/geant4.8.info
> sci/geant4.9.info
> sci/gopenmol.info
> sci/hdf5.info
> sci/libnc-dap3.info
> sci/netcdf-gfortran.info
> sci/octave-forge.info
> sci/octave.info
> sci/octplot.info
> sci/patchy4.info
> sci/plplot.info
> sci/qprop.info
> sci/root-pythia.info
> sci/root5-devel.info
> sci/root5.info
> sci/scilab.info
> sci/scipy-py.info
> sci/wip.info
> sci/xfoil.info
> utils/clamav.info
> -- 
> Martin

I continue to have problems with building the bleeding-edge octave  
sources. Unfortunately the "bus error" I encounter leaves gdb useless  
to me :-(

In a nut shell, I'm unable to execute "A\B" or "mldivide(A,B)" in  
octave for more than 96 eqns/unknowns.

It is has been pointed out that using gcc 4.0.1 (Apple's vecLib) will  
conflict with gfortran 4.1+, due to type mismatches resulting from how  
gfortran treats functions. I haven't looked at the detail, but when I  
googled, "gfortran ff2c type mismatch" quite a bit showed up.

The suggested solution is to add "-ff2c" to the fortran compile  

I can't vouch for any of this, but if someone can tell me what to  
change in the atlas.info to pass "-ff2c" to gfortran, I can test  
suggested solution and report back.

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