Am 18.05.2008 um 20:42 schrieb Benjamin Reed:

> Hash: SHA1
> John Ridgway wrote:
> | When I tried to do something like this I was shot down; told that  
> the
> | fink core team was reconsidering the whole issue of "system-"
> | packages, and that, specifically, system-texlive was NOT going to
> | happen.  I then started an effort to package TeX Live in such a way
> | as to make it fink-friendly.  This failed miserably because TeX Live
> | is (apparently) not built in a straightforward way, and the TeX Live
> | people don't make it easy to get the tools with which they build it.
> | If any of the above has changed I would love to see it.  It is  
> totally
> | ridiculous that the only TeX in Fink is tetex, which is ancient and
> | dead.
> ~From what I understand, the previous attempts were to try to make it
> work like existing system-tex, which is the issue.  The issue is that
> they're all different and have slightly different stuff.

Exactly. Even if we made a system-texlive package, it would *not* be  
correct for it to "Provide: tetex-base" or something like that --  
stuff which actually depends on *tetex* being present, as opposed to  
texlive, would break.

But packages which only need to invoke TeX, e.g. during their build  
phase to typeset stuff (like doxygen and others), or which simply want  
to use e.g. "latex" during runtime (like dblatex, latexmk, etc.)  
simply need those tools to be present inside your PATH (well, and  
usable, and some bits more, but you get the idea).

> My impression of what Max is trying to do is to get away from the
> monolithic "this represents tex" stuff that causes all of these
> incompatibilities/differences in the first place and break it down to
> providing "point" tools for individual features of tex that you need.
> This seems like a reasonably future-proof approach.

That would be my hope, too. Note, thoughl that not the splitting up is  
the crucial part here, I think, but rather the introduction of a way  
to distinguish between high-level TeX stuff being present and usable  
(i.e. mostly being able to invoke latex, tex, pdf(la)tex, epstofig,  
and various others) on the one hand, and TeX distro specific stuff  
(like being able to install TeX addons, like jadetex or foiltex). The  
former should work with virtually any TeX distro. The latter of course  
would be distro specific.

So, my approach would make it possible to build doxygen with *any*  
sane TeX distro installed, no matter by which means, (as long as it is  
in PATH, or alternatively, as long as we provide a system-FOO package  
for it -- which would be easy to create and maintain, though).

Package which want to install tetex addons would NOT magically work  
with texlive with this, but that is not to be expected, and is not my  
goal (I am not even sure I would recommend to anybody to try to go for  
that -- but that's another story).

> Keep in mind, too, that this is just my opinion, and perhaps there are
> other reasons not to do it that I'm not aware of, but from what I
> understood, the reason there's been so much pushback is that adding a
> "system-texlive" package doesn't solve our tex problems, it just adds
> another.
> Whereas, breaking tex up into individual features seems more likely to
> cause less trouble in the future, BUT, it requires someone willing to
> know all sides of the tex equation enough to keep those things in  
> check...

I don't claim to be know "all sides of the tex equation", but I am a  
quite proficient TeX user, and also know Fink a bit, so i would be  
willing to give it a try. The main stumbling block, as usual, will be  
my lack of time in general... But since this one bugs me personally, I  
would be willing to invest quite some. This would mostly mean:
* Determine which packages use (te)TeX, and how
* come up with a suitable list of new virtual packages
* write a system-mactex / system-texlive package to match this scheme
* extend Fink's tetex to the scheme
* also extend system-tetex, though I have no means to test it; same  
for ptex
* modify all my TeX-using packages to use the scheme
* try to modify some of the other affected packages (like foremost  
doxygen, the pkg which got me started on this ;).

This would end up as a big patch to the dists tree (I guess I could  
make a branch for this, but I believe it will be easier for me to  
maintain this as a patch first, working with both regular and  
pangocairo CVS).

Oh, and in theory, the transition should be smooth: Pkgs could still  
use the old scheme, so it would be OK for  maintainers of TeX-using  
packages to take some time to adjust..... Well, except for the usual  
virtual-pkg-headaches, which lurk just around the corner and which I  
probably do not yet fully appreciate, I guess ;).

Clearly, if I get that far, I would need people to test this for me,  
resp. review what I did.


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