fink stores package descriptions on your local machine.  Both the stable ones
and the unstable ones are present, and you get to control which of these
is used by means of the Trees line in /sw/etc/fink.conf .

You can update package descriptions when we make a fink "release" like 0.4.0,
but we make releases very infrequently.  To take advantage of all of the
modifications which the fink developers have made to the "stable" packages
since the past release, you can run "fink selfupdate-cvs".

This does two things;
  1) it updates all of your package descriptions, both stable and unstable,
     to the most recent ones
  2) for a few, essential packages such as fink itself, if the package has
     changed it will be automatically updated.
Whether to go ahead and update other packages is then up to you.

The advantage in a situation like this one is that, even if you are sticking
to the stable packages, you get the benefit of the corrections to those
packages which the fink developers made in response to the (unannounced!)
changes at .

  -- Dave


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