On Aug 8, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Robert Wyatt wrote:

> Jack,
> Putting aside Stan and Marc's missing m4 directory for the moment  
> (which
> I can't reproduce either).
> cloog self-identifies as being dependent upon autoconf >2.54, which is
> satisfied with native autoconf from both tiger (2.59) and leopard  
> (2.61)
> and also by fink's (2.63), but not by the autoconf that comes with the
> current 10.5 bindist (2.13). Discussing this on IRC, the  
> recommendation
> is to add a versioned BuildDepends on autoconf >2.54.
> This avoids the use of BuildConflicts autoconf2.13, which would also
> work but is considered less than an optimal solution due to future
> maintenance issues, as well as providing a more deterministic (read:
> easier to debug) build (using fink's autoconf instead of "any"  
> autoconf
> that might be on the machine).
> Best regards,
> Robert

To possibly further muddy the issue, or perhaps to provide insight to  
a *nix maven, cloog-0.15.4 built/updated without complaint on my ppc  
powerbook G4, same setup as the intel iMac.


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