Ben Abbott wrote:
> I've moved each of the *.la files to a folder on my desktop
> When building octave from the developer's sources, I still get the libtool 
> warnings ...

But these are only warnings now, no error.

> libtool: link: warning: `/sw/lib/gcc4.4/lib//' seems to be moved
> Which is strange, since ...
> $ ls -l /sw/lib/gcc4.4/lib//
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 944 2009-11-02 09:25 
> /sw/lib/gcc4.4/lib//

Usually you get these warnings when the *.la file is found in a 
directory that does not correspond to its "libdir" field. Maybe libtool 
is allergic to the double "//". But then the next question would be 
where this double "//" comes from. Certainly from another *.la file. And 
so on...

> I installed gcc4.4 after I had previously deleted all the *.la files. Perhaps 
> I should delete them again (or better yet, should Fink handle that)?

Fink should definitely handle the *.la file mess. But with the currently 
greatly reduced activity of the Fink chiefs, it is not sure when this 
will happen. They had a year to mull it over.

OTOH, the *.la file mess only appears when you upgrade from 10.5 to 
10.6. Once you have a sane system *.la-file-wise, then building packages 
that create further *.la files should not cause problems. The only bad 
*.la files are those that have dependency_libs fields that point to 
non-existing other *.la files, and they do this only because these other 
*.la files existed previously and were removed during the upgrade.

> I haven't tried deleted anything else. Octave does build, but when I try to 
> run it ... 
> $ ./run-octave
> Bus error

Now this is a different story. It should go into a different thread 
(once there is more information from the crash log).


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