Hi Max and Kurt

I think cmake gets to this error because the gshhg package is not installed. I 
don’t know how that can happen, because gmt5 requires gshhg. The only thing I 
can think off is that it was removed manually (not through fink).

Max, can you please run:
$ fink reinstall gshhg
and then run
$ fink install gmt5

That might work.
The only other suspicion I have is that the prefix used for Fink is not /sw but 
something with a space in it. Could that be?


On 4 Apr 2014, at 20:59, Kurt Schwehr <kurtschw...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi Max,
> The best place to ask this is actually on the GMT mailing list.  Remko has 
> the lead on packaging gmt 4 & 5.  I just rebuilt with xcode 5.0.2 and it 
> works for me.  I also just updated to xcode 5.1 and it also works building 
> gmt5 ( 5.1.1.-1 ) on 10.9.  You did not report which Mac OSX version you are 
> building on and what version of gmt5 fink is trying to build.
> -kurt
> http://schwehr.org
> On Friday, April 4, 2014 9:16 AM, Max Rudolph <maxwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Kurt and Fink users,
> I'm having trouble installing GMT5 using fink. The error appears to be 
> related to cmake rather than GMT itself. Can you advise as to how I might fix 
> this problem? I have tried to include all of the information required, but 
> please let me know if you need to see anything else to help diagnose the 
> problem.
> Best Regards,
> Max Rudolph
> -- Looking for 4 include files stdlib.h, ..., float.h
> -- Looking for 4 include files stdlib.h, ..., float.h - found
> -- Performing Test memchrExists
> -- Performing Test memchrExists - Success
> -- Performing Test freeExists
> -- Performing Test freeExists - Success
> -- ANSI C header files - found
> CMake Error at cmake/modules/FindGSHHG.cmake:68 (string):
>   string sub-command STRIP requires two arguments.
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>   src/CMakeLists.txt:117 (find_package)
> ...
> Package manager version:
> Distribution version: selfupdate-rsync Fri Apr  4 08:35:48 2014, 10.9, x86_64
> Trees: local/main stable/main
> Xcode.app: 5.0.2
> Xcode command-line tools:
> Max. Fink build jobs:  1

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