On 4/4/14, 3:27 PM, Max Rudolph wrote:
> Hi Remko and Kurt,
> Thanks for your help! I tried updating to the latest XCode and command
> line tools and the problem persists. I am using OS X 10.9.2. I have
> gshhg installed and also ran 'fink reinstall gshhg' as suggested. It
> looks like there is still a cmake error related to finding gshhg. Should
> it be a problem to have gmt 4.5 installed as well? When I first looked
> at the error logs, I thought that this problem was related to omp.h.
> Apple's clang apparently does not support OpenMP. I do have gcc48
> installed through fink, but it looks like fink is trying to build gmt5
> using clang.
> bash-3.2$ fink list -i llvm gcc
> Information about 8420 packages read in 7 seconds.
>   i   gcc48              4.8.2-1001     GNU Compiler Collection Version 4.8
>   i   gcc48-compiler     4.8.2-1001     Compiler Binaries for gcc48
>   i   gcc48-shlibs       4.8.2-1001     Shared libraries for gcc4
>   i   llvm-gcc42         2336.11-7      Apple gcc compiler frontend for llvm
>   i   llvm-gcc42-shlibs  2336.11-7      Shared libraries for llvm-gcc42
> bash-3.2$
> The first error reported is:
> -- ANSI C header files - found
> CMake Error at cmake/modules/FindGSHHG.cmake:68 (string):
>    string sub-command STRIP requires two arguments.
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>    src/CMakeLists.txt:117 (find_package)
> The GSHHG error is:
> -- Could NOT find GSHHG (missing:  GSHHG_VERSION GSHHG_EXT)
> -- Found DCW: /sw/share/gmt/dcw
> -- Using CFLAGS = '-fstrict-aliasing -O3 -DNDEBUG'
> -- Could NOT find Sphinx (missing:  SPHINX_EXECUTABLE)
> Best,
> Max

We don't want our packages to use random compilers, so they only build 
with gcc48 if explicitly told to.

I don't reproduce your error on 10.9/Xcode 5.1

-- Looking for 4 include files stdlib.h, ..., float.h - found
-- Performing Test memchrExists
-- Performing Test memchrExists - Success
-- Performing Test freeExists
-- Performing Test freeExists - Success
-- ANSI C header files - found
-- Found GSHHG: /sw/share/gmt/gshhg

Ideally, it shouldn't be a problem to have gmt-4.5, too.

What version of netcdf-c7-shlibs do you have installed (e.g. via 
'apt-cache policy netcdf-c7-shlibs')?  Somebody sent me a .nc file a 
while go which he claimed didn't work with whatever version he had, but 
which worked for me using the current version.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
My package updates: http://finkakh.wordpress.com/

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