> On Oct 20, 2016, at 09:14, John Wiggins <johnwigg...@me.com> wrote:
> I believe Alexander Hansen explained this issue, which I open a week or two
> ago. Apple claims that the old Command Line Tools may be used with Xcode 8,
> and the warning is generated by fink being conservative to avoid issues that
> were seen in the past when agreement between Xcode and CLTs was necessary.
> His response was to both this list and fink-beginners see 14oct 11:34 AM EDT
> message with subject
> Re: [Fink-users] Apple claims fink giving false warning (Bug ID 28356077 -
> Xcode 8 installs on El Capitan.)
>> (crossposting since this is now all over the place)
>> They may be right. Here’s the deal:
>> 1) Historically, people had problems with some builds when the Xcode app
>> and the CLI were incompatible.
>> 2) We therefore had fink check the versions and display a warning which
>> paused the build for 10 seconds to let people know to sync their versions
>> before filing a bug report with us.
>> 3) Apple decided that Xcode 8 and CLI tools 7.3.1 is an OK combination for
>> 10.11.
>> 4) We modified fink not to pause the build and to change the wording of the
>> message slightly to indicate that unmatched Xcode and command-line tools is
>> a _potential_ problem, since it has been, in general.
>> 5) However, we didn’t add anything to suppress this message for the
>> aforementioned special case, because handling special cases adds complexity
>> to the fink code, and because it’s not usually required to scroll back
>> through the build logs unless the build fails.
>> People who don’t want to see the warning are free to modify
>> /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/Engine.pm for themselves.
>> --
>> Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
>> Fink User Liaison
>> On Oct 20, 2016, at 12:57 AM, Doug Wade <doug_w...@shaw.ca
>> <mailto:doug_w...@shaw.ca>> wrote:
>> One of the iMacs that I use Fink on is an iMac (Early 2009) which can only
>> upgrade to OS X 10.11.6 and no further.
>> Xcode 8 supports OS X 10.11.6 but there appears to be no Command Line Tools
>> since the May 3, 2016 that works on this
>> iMac. All Command Line Tools since then require Mac OS 10.12. When I use
>> Fink I get a warning message but so far have had
>> no issues:
>> WARNING: Xcode.app version (8.0) and Xcode Command Line Tools version (7.3)
>> may not be compatible.
>> You may experience build errors.
Yup. Just ignore it until you get to a package which doesn’t build, and then
let us know.
We didn’t want to disable the warning altogether, since there’s no guarantee
that the next Xcode major version (8.1) will be 100% compatible with the Xcode
8 tools and vice versa. (That’s why we show the minor versions).
We also didn’t want to set up a special case for 10.11/Xcode8 because those are
annoying to deal with, and it’s only a warning. We downgraded the language to
“_may_ not be compatible” because that covers the special case of 10.11/Xcode
8/Xcode CLI 7.3 as well as other mismatches.
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
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