Hi Anders,

Your interpretation is correct: when $\phi = 1$, $c = c_S$; and when $\phi = 
0$, $c = c_L$.

The lookup-table visualization does show $c_S=c_L=0$ when $\phi=0$ and 
$c_S=c_L=1$ when $\phi=1$, which is not correct. Looking at the linescan plots 
further down in the ipynb file, when $phi=0$, $c\neq 0$ and when $\phi=1$, 
$c\neq 1$, so something inconsistent is going on -- hopefully in the 
visualization. I will take a closer look: thank you for bringing this 
discrepancy to my attention.


From: fipy-boun...@nist.gov <fipy-boun...@nist.gov> on behalf of Anders 
Ericsson <anders.erics...@solid.lth.se>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 11:02:16 AM
Subject: Re: Implementation of KKS-model in FiPy

Hi Trevor,

I have a question regarding the LookupTable that is being generated from the 
code in https://github.com/tkphd/KKS-binary-solidification.

The code is generated from the conditions that $c = h(\phi)c_S + (1 - 
h(\phi))c_L$ and $\frac{\partial f_L}{\partial c_L} = \frac{\partial 
f_S}{\partial c_S}$, which implies that $c = c_S$ when $\phi = 1$ and $c = c_L$ 
when $\phi = 0$.

But in the generated table it seems like $c_S = c_L = 0$ (blue contour) when 
$\phi = 0$, while $c$ varies between 0 to 1. The same thing happens on the 
opposite side of the plots, when $\phi = 1$ and $c_S = c_L = 1$ (red contour) 
while $c$ varies between 0 to 1.

Is this wrong or am I interpreting the table in a wrong way? I have attached an 
image of the plots for convenience.

Thank you and best regards,


From: fipy-boun...@nist.gov <fipy-boun...@nist.gov> on behalf of Anders 
Ericsson <anders.erics...@solid.lth.se>
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 11:08:57 AM
Subject: Re: Implementation of KKS-model in FiPy

Hi Trevor and Daniel,

Thank you for your answers, It's very much appreciated.

I will have a deeper look at the references you sent me and get back to you in 
case I have any further questions.

Best regards,


From: fipy-boun...@nist.gov <fipy-boun...@nist.gov> on behalf of Keller, Trevor 
(Fed) <trevor.kel...@nist.gov>
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 9:09:35 PM
Subject: Re: Implementation of KKS-model in FiPy

Hi Anders,

I have an implementation of the binary KKS solidification model written up in a 
repository, https://github.com/tkphd/KKS-binary-solidification. It's based on 
Phase-Field Methods in Materials Science and Engineering by Provatas and Elder, 
chapter 6.9 and appendix C.3. It's a good introduction to the numerical 
approach. A more involved KKS model (ternary alloy with three phases) is 
written up in another repository, 
https://github.com/usnistgov/phasefield-precipitate-aging, but the 
implementation does not involve FiPy.

As Daniel mentioned, the equations of motion $\frac{\partial c}{\partial t}$ 
and $\frac{\partial \phi_i}{\partial t}$ depend on the fictitious compositions 
$c_j$ in each phase, but since the $c_j$ are equilibrium values, their solution 
is time-independent. Therefore, the standard approach presented by Provatas and 
Elder is to use a Newton-Raphson solver that takes $c$ and $\phi_i$ as constant 
inputs, and iteratively solves for the $c_j$ that satisfy the constraints on 
$c$ and $\mu$. For relatively well-behaved systems, as in the binary KKS 
repository, you can build a lookup table before launching the simulation and 
simply interpolate between known values instead of actually solving the 
constrained equilibrium at each point during the simulation. For your model, 
such a lookup table would be a vector-valued 2D matrix with n+1 fictitious 
compositions per entry. Building it may take some time, but the runtime 
performance can be quite good with this approach.

I hope that helps. Jon Guyer may be able to comment more clearly on the FiPy 
implementation details.

Best regards,

Trevor Keller, Ph.D.
Materials Science and Engineering Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr. MS 8550; Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Office: 223/A131 or (301) 975-2889

From: fipy-boun...@nist.gov <fipy-boun...@nist.gov> on behalf of Daniel Wheeler 
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 11:37:20 AM
Subject: Re: Implementation of KKS-model in FiPy

Hi Anders,

Just to simplify this, would the following help. Let's consider

\frac{\partial c_1}{\partial t} = F(c_1, c_2, c_3) \\
\frac{\partial c_2}{\partial t} = G(c_1, c_2, c_3) \\
c_3 = H(c_1, c_2)

Basically, you have two variables solved by PDEs and a third solved by
an equation that is independent of time. Would understanding that help
you with the larger problem?



On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 9:56 AM, Anders Ericsson
<anders.erics...@solid.lth.se> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I currently am working on a phase-field model to simulate solidification in
> the binary Zr-Cu system. I have been using FiPy for approximately a year now

Daniel Wheeler
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