Jonathan -

I see what you're talking about. Fixing (or even working around) has proven 
elusive so far, but I'm working on it.

- Jon

> On Sep 20, 2017, at 10:02 AM, Jonathan Smyth <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working on a 2D simulation of the drift-diffusion model for 
> semiconductors, and I'm having some difficulty with 2D periodic boundary 
> conditions when running in parallel. It seems that when using PeriodicGrid2D 
> in parallel each "chunk" of the mesh becomes periodic rather than the whole 
> mesh being periodic, which causes some strange results.  Since the mesh is 
> broken up into horizontal slices when in parallel, only the top-bottom 
> boundaries are affected by this. Is there any sort of work around for this 
> problem?
> Many thanks,
> Jonathan
> ---
> Jonathan Smyth
> Atomistic Simulation Centre
> School of Maths and Physics
> Queen's University Belfast
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