Thank you.
I've tried using quad meshes from gmsh (I suppose this is what you meant by
skew grids), but the same error shows up. So, the problem is that
'_meshSpacing' is not an attribute for 'Gmsh2D' mesh if I define a
ModularVariable on that mesh.

On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 11:49 AM, Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) <> wrote:

> _meshSpacing is only implemented for (square (including skew)) grids and
> only used by the _ModCellGradVariable. It's apparently been like that since
> before FiPy was FiPy, 14 years ago.
> I'll need to think about this more deeply to understand why normalizing by
> grid spacing even makes sense, much less what the answer should be for a
> general mesh.
> > On Feb 6, 2018, at 7:17 PM, Sachin Kurian <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I've just started using FiPy. I'm particularely interested in the phase
> field problems. I tried the examples of solidification and grain
> impingement given in the documentation. What I intend to do is to use a
> non-rectangular domain with triangular mesh for the problem. After
> importing the unstructured mesh generated by gmsh, I assigned a
> ModularVariable (theta) to the cells (Similar to the grain impingement
> examples). Unfortunately, assigning a ModularVariable to the Gmsh2D() mesh
> throws an attribute error:'Gmsh2D' object has no attribute '_meshSpacing'
> when I use theta.grad.mag command or try solving the equation.
> > What am I doing wrong here? Is it possible to model the grain
> impingement problem in a user defined geometry and mesh created using gmsh?
> Or is there any other approach in FiPy to achieve the same goal?
> > I use windows platform,
> > Python 2.7
> > FiPy 3.1.3.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > --
> > Sachin Kurian
> >
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*Sachin Kurian*
*Graduate Student*
*Department of Mechanical Engineering*
*Virginia Tech*
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