>>I'm really trying to communicate with you here and in the tracker

I hate to tell you this but I don't think so.
You always wrote without reading my comment carefully with your prejudice, just like my first reply to you here :)

>>you seem to answer every point of mine as rewriting what I wrote giving another meaning.

I agree partially. I'm sorry for that. But it was just one time and regaring one point.

So please read my first comment carefully and refute them.


(2018/10/19 5:02), Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
I'm really trying to communicate with you here and in the tracker but
you seem to answer every point of mine as rewriting what I wrote giving
another meaning.

Or it seems you're so expert on the subject, so please send pull
request. It's very easy.


On 18/10/2018 17:06, nonomura wrote:
I really don't understand why you emphasize so much on

Because it is a bug. that's all.

Case is less important than base letter.
No. Base letter is most important.
a1 A1 a2 A2 ... This is correct result as they are ordered by CSAS in
icu collation rule.
If case was more important the result would be : A1 A2 a1 a2... (the
same result as UTF8) -or- a1 a2 A1 A2...
What if you added B1 b1 B2 b2 in the list? No need to tell the result:)

when string is separated in multiple columns, case become more
important than we naturally expect.

No. Case does not become more important in multiple columns.

Please visit this site:
(http://demo.icu-project.org/icu-bin/collation.html )
and try to see the exact sort key generated by icu library.
It's very easy.

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