Sorry, that should have been Mint 14.

--- In, "jackmason17@..." <jackmason17@...> 
> We converted from Windows 7 Interbase 6.02 last Monday by backing up the 
> databases then restoring them to SuperClassic under Mint. The hardware is an 
> Intel I3 with 8GB of memory, a hardware RAID (2 SSDs), and a system SSD.  All 
> 5 Firebird databases are on the RAID, a shared drive with Windows 7.  
> All 6 users are on Windows 7.  Everything seemed to be running fine until 
> this afternoon.  The first indication was a temporary server disconnect for 
> one user.  We restarted his program and all seemed well.  About an hour 
> later, all users failed, unable to write to the database. In over 12 years of 
> using Interbase 6 on Windows, we have not encountered this problem.
> When we rebooted the Firebird server, everything returned to normal 
> operation. At the time, we did not know the correct name for the Firebird 
> process so we could not tell if it was still running before the reboot. We do 
> not know where the Firebird logs are located, so cannot check them to see 
> what went wrong. 
> Should we be using a different Firebird server for this setup?  Can we 
> determine the cause of the failure after having rebooted?  We were having to 
> reboot the Windows 7 Interbase server at least once a week and do not want to 
> have to return to that scenario.  We expected Firebird to run for many months 
> without a reboot.
> Help?

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