<<- fb_lock_print displays the following about the database:

        Version: 145, Active owner:      0, Length: 2097152, Used: 1335440
        Flags: 0x0001
        Enqs: 9993237, Converts:  93191, Rejects: 1417230, Blocks:      2
        Deadlock scans:      0, Deadlocks:      0, Scan interval:  10
        Acquires: 19972846, Acquire blocks:      0, Spin count:   0
        Mutex wait: 0.0%
        Hash slots: 1009, Hash lengths (min/avg/max):    0/   2/   7
        Remove node:      0, Insert queue:      0, Insert prior:      0
        Owners (38):    forward:  20824, backward: 872088
        Free owners (126):      forward: 973360, backward: 728016
        Free locks (370):       forward: 852200, backward: 195936
        Free requests (12425):  forward: 614608, backward: 1230536
        Lock Ordering: Enabled

Here I noted that the "rejects" field accounts for ~14% of "enqs"
field but unfortunately I don't know the exact meaning of these
values. I guess about 14% of the lock requests are rejected for some
reason but I might be completely wrong.

So the questions:

- How should the output of fb_lock_print interpreted in this case? Are
these numbers "wrong" in some sense? Can they be improved by some
parameter tuning?>>

Rejects = Lock requests that cannot be satisfied.... no big deal
No wait locks? Engine locks? I wouldn't worry about it.

Looking at your Lock Header - it looks fine. Your problem is elsewhere. 

Paul Beach

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