Want to absolutely second the console.log sentiment! Can't wrap my head 
around how this absolutely indispensable feature not working has not 
resonated at all (googling it brings up nothing). That and the fact that 
the Script tab is dead seem like the two most important things making FB 
practically unusable.
I guess the silence is a sad reminder of how few devs still use Firebug. 
I realize that it's been discontinued, but restoring the console.log is 
probably simple and will make a lot of (well, maybe just some) folks very 
I guess I could even do without, if the native FF devTools with its new FB 
design finally had a multi-line side pane in the console. That, coupled 
with the much friendlier elements view, are probably the two most important 
things where FB is shines compared to Chrome's devTools, and yet no clue 
when this will be added (if at all).

On Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 8:35:40 PM UTC+2, San wrote:
> It's nice that you fixed this for those of us with e10s disabled... but I 
> don't understand why you bothered to fix this but not something else 
> equally important (more important to me) -- I mean that the Firebug Console 
> no longer displays anything at all. Without the Console, Firebug is 
> useless, so why bother fixing anything else?
> [ edit: I said "Firefox" when I meant "Firebug". Sorry.]

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