Hello there, I'm a big fan of firebug and have been using it for years as a 
software developer.  

I like the new update and it has lots of good ideas, but one thing that I 
see is missing in the latest version is *having css (class and style) 
changes happen in real time*, as I edit them in firebug.

Is it possible to re-enable this function in the new firebug?  For me this 
was one of the most important (and time saving) features

Thank you

On Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 11:23:45 PM UTC+11, Jan Honza Odvarko wrote:
> Firebug 2.0.19 released (maintenance release)
> https://blog.getfirebug.com/2017/03/01/firebug-2-0-19/
> Honza

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