Dear Wolfgang, Rafael, Joseph... and FIS Collegues,

Very briefly, as I am incurring in a forbidden "three" per week, I see the general problem with ICT & social networks as an "information glut". It is very similar to the parallel epidemics of obesity in affluent contemporary societies. In the same way that our bodies are not very well equipped for the sedentary life style and the overconsumption of food --and this is clearly written in the genes selected during our long history as hunter-gatherers-- we are also ill-equipped to deal with the diminishing structure of meaningful social bonds around us and the increase of "junk" information. Parallel to obesity, there is a current, silent epidemics of loneliness, depression, psychogenic pain, suicide... How to counter that? Very difficult problem, but knowing better what is the "sociotype", or say the ranges of social structures akin to our genetic inheritance, would help to identify better cultural alternatives and lifestyles, including better uses for ICT presumably.

A careful discussion should involve social networks (network science), social brain hypothesis, evolutionary paleoanthropology, neuroscience, ICT, cultural analysis, etc., and above all and a nice information science integration. We are far from knowing /Homo informationalis!

/best /


Wolfgang Hofkirchner escribió:
dear pedro,

what you mention here is just what bothers me since long. in the scientific literature about the internet (both empirical and kind of philosophical) there are two positions to be found:

the first position is the optimistic one in which the potentialities of the new media are praised and the technical support for establishing new ties (bonds with people) are appreciated. the second position is rather cultural-critical and bemoans the rubbish that is multiplied by the net and the gadgets that mediate that.

i, for my part, guess, the truth is a little bit more complicated. the new ties you can establish are not only strong ties that you strengthen by technology (e.g. when i was abroad i skyped with my family) but also and predominantly weak ties that promote a kind of irresponsibility because you can enter a "community" and – that's more important – leave it whenever you want without sanctions being there. thus my research question: how can we shape icts in order to foster real communities?


Am 21.07.2010 um 12:10 schrieb Pedro C. Marijuan:

Dear Rafael, Bob, and FIS Colleagues

Thanks a lot for the erudite comment and the elegant Latin. I quite
agree about that challenging aspect. However, I keep thinking that the
whole new communication technologies are adding to the decreasing
"sociotype" of individuals in todays' society. Like TV in the previous
generation, they provide an easy amusement but at the cost of a tighter
budget in the daily time needed for socialization. Like other
Anthropoids (following the "Social Brain Hypothesis") we need around 20
% of time devoted to social "grooming", to languaging, laughing etc. in
a variety of social groups. Do not paying on a daily basis this
evolutionary debt conduces to disappointment, frustration, depression,
unhappiness... My point is that the whole ITC are bringing extra
opportunities for a variety of e-contacts but at the same time are
diminishing the "social grooming". This could be searched out throughout
the notion of "sociotype" summarizing the connective structure around
the individual, and  would need specific inter-multi-cultural
researches, and above all achieving more concretion around a series of

Bob's very positive comments about "ascendancy" in weighed graphs are
much appreciated. In next exchanges I would like to introduce some
further ideas. Maybe human social networks as gauged by the sociotype
could also benefit of the ascendancy approach (metrics abouts
parenthood, relatives, friendships, acquaintances, etc.) Who knows.

About sports and wars, I think Tom Stonier had already published in this
very list about the subject (1997-98?), or was it in some FIS Proceedings?

all the best


Rafael Capurro escribió:
Dear Pedro and all,

in an article selected by the Sueddeutsche Zeitung of The New York
Times of today (July 19) with the title "The Mediuim matters" (by
David Brook)  there is a discussion on Nicholas Carr's book "The
Shalows" where he argues that theInternet is leading to a
short-attention-span culture. This is apparently the old discussion
internet vs. book culture but in fact the author points to an essay by
Joseph Epstein in which he (Epstein) distinguishes between beeing well
informed, being hip and being cultivated.

The Internet culture is an egalitarian culture, appropriate for being
well informed and being hip (or up to date) , while when you enter the
world of books you are confronted with the "greater minds" and
respecting the authority of the teacher. "The Internet culture may
produce better conversationalists, but the literary culture still
produces better students". The challenge being "how to guild an
Internet counterculture that will better attracht people to serious
learning". We live in the culture of the spectacle (Guy Debord) which
is egalitarian but what we see is the product of a highly hierarchical
structure of "the best".

The challenge is the how to build a counterculture within the
egalitarian information society that attract people not only to
serious learnig but also to high level practices in other fields such
as sport, music etc. This group is an example of such a counterculture
within the egalitarian internet. By the way, the Latin word
"informatio" had originally the meaning of "culture" or (German)
"Bildung" also in the humanistic sense. Cicero writes in "Pro Archia"
(Ch.3) :

"Nam, ut primum ex pueris excessit Archias atque ab iis artibus,
quibus aetas puerilis ad humanitatem informari solet, se ad scribendi
studium contulit, primum Antiochiae (...)"
"For when first Archias grew out of childhood, and out of the studies
of those arts by which young boys are gradually trained and refined,
he devoted himself to the study of writing. First of all at Antioch
(...) " which was the center of knowledge of the whole region.

And this is the  text on the Internet

quod erat demonstrandum



Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25, Pl. 11ª
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Telf: 34 976 71 3526 (& 6818) Fax: 34 976 71 5554

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Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25, Pl. 11ª
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Telf: 34 976 71 3526 (& 6818) Fax: 34 976 71 5554

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