Greetings Foundation for Information Science Colleagues:

I have been following more than 45 previous [FIS] messages regarding Dr. Chuan Zhao's recent book entitled THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE. Regretfully, I have not seen or read the book, even though I concede that my following comments may take a different form if I were to read its text.

At the outset, I can agree to a need for intelligence science(s) ... apart from information sciences and machine intelligence. That said, I am concerned by some lack in clarity regarding various matters. For example, I see no reason to ever equate intelligence with wisdom. Also, artificial intelligence paradigms and intelligence paradigms remain to be elucidated and explicated. Indeed, some persons have cited "context" and "goals" wherein I believe that "shedding light on," "elucidation," "explication," et al. should be central issues for intelligence science(s).

Because of my recent interest in common sense, aberrant common sense, and, interestingly, how aberrant common sense can contribute to chaos and stupidity, I believe that all intelligence sciences should include discussions on evolution and development. Dr. Zhao and others could benefit from investigating common sense(s), critical thinking and intelligence(s) in worldwide cultures and languages. To cite one example of the latter, the notion of the subjunctive (in English language) and its absence in selected other languages is critically important in any disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary discussions intelligence sciences.

If future discussions of intelligence sciences explore biological issues (e.g., neural networking et al.), then those discussions also must explore Kantian notions of the a priori and a posteriori. Also, as Joe Brenner pointed out, future cosmological notions of intelligence sciences should not overlook science fiction writer and philosopher Stanislaw Lem's perspectives. Ethnomethodologies then may become central foci.

Lastly, I suggest that Dr. Zhao's points (a) to (m) are overly simplistic.

With cordial greetings,

Roulette Wm. Smith, Ph.D. - Director
Institute for Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Studies
P. O. Box 60846
Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA

PS: I noted that Professor Lofti Zadeh added a comment early in the discussion. He may be surprised to know that he and I attended several mathematics classes at Stanford University during the early-1960s.

--- Original message ---
Subject: Re: [Fis] Chuan's reply10 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE--poetry/mathematics/new science
From: Rafael Capurro <>
To: 赵川 <>
Cc: =?UTF-8?B?RklT6K665Z2b?= <>
Date: Tuesday, 24/03/2015  9:12 AM

Dear Chuan,

yes, intelligence and stupidity belong together as the wonderful quote from Alice clearly show. If we develop a science of intelligence we cannot do it without developing a science of studipidity (including also subfields like hate speech that I call 'insultology' and many other matters). Then this science becomes interwoven with ethics. If we follow Wittgenstein and Nietzsche and Heidegger and other 'pragmatists' intelligence is primarily a practical issue: it has to do with survival. Then, we have made of intelligence something 'theoretical'. A science of intelligence must deal with both aspects including also the 'negative' forms (stupidity etc.)

in the attachment, thanks!

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Prof.em. Dr. Rafael Capurro
Hochschule der Medien (HdM), Stuttgart, Germany
Capurro Fiek Foundation for Information Ethics ( Distinguished Researcher at the African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics (ACEIE), Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa. Chair, International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE) ( Editor in Chief, International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) (
Postal Address: Redtenbacherstr. 9, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
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