Dear Emanuel, 

I'm sorry, but the UCLA finding does not put an end to any question.  Indeed, 
this paper about memory transfer has been highly criticized:

The term "material" for the definition of information is less correct than 
"physical": indeed, "pyhsical" encompasses also the quantum fields, the 
solitons, the oscillations that, although not being properly "material", 
nevertheless are able to tranfer "information".

> Il 31 maggio 2018 alle 5.55 Emanuel Diamant <> ha scritto:
>     Dear FIS Colleagues,
>     For most of the time, I restrain myself from taking part in the FIS 
> discussions – we speak different languages and adhere to different 
> principles. My paper invited for publication in MDPI Informatics Special 
> Issue: Selected Papers from the ISIS Summit Vienna 2015 has been declined for 
> publication. (Never mind, it was published afterwards in the Research Gate 
> repository ).
>     In the concluding part of the paper I enumerate 8 topics in Neuroscience 
> research that require immediate revision taking into consideration the new 
> principles that follow from my definition of information. For example, that 
> information is a material, palpable string of letters and linguistic signs, a 
> piece of text, a textual description. That means that all derivatives of 
> semantic information (thoughts, memories, feelings, and so on) are material 
> entities (“Information as a thing” – once there was a fierce debate around 
> this subject). Or, as Mark Burgin claims: ”Now assuming that information 
> exists, we have only one option, namely, to admit that information is 
> physical because only physical things exist”. (I do not use the term 
> “physical”, I distinguish Physical and Semantic Information. In place of 
> Burgin’s “physical” I prefer to use the term “material”).
>     I would not remind you of our old controversies but recently UCLA 
> researchers reported that they have transferred a memory from one marine 
> snail to another (Biologists 'transfer' a memory, Neuroscience 
> , May 14, 2018 
> , University of California, Los 
> Angeles, 
> ).
>     I hope that the UCLA finding will put an end to the question “Is 
> information material (physical, in Burgin’s inquiry)?” Yes, information is 
> material. Other options do not exist.
>     Best regards, Emanuel.

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Arturo Tozzi

AA Professor Physics, University North Texas

Pediatrician ASL Na2Nord, Italy

Comput Intell Lab, University Manitoba 
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