On 10/31/05, Joseph Balderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So what you're saying is, when I declare a variable using a path reference, 
> I'm
> really creating a dynamic variable. Because the type of a dynamic variable is
> only determined at runtime when the variable is given a value, and type 
> checking
> is done at compile-time, you can't typecast an object as Number when it's
> already been typecast as dynamic at compile-time? Or is it the reverse? Still 
> a
> little confused...

I think the confusion occurs because you seem to be mixing up the
distinction between declaration and reference.

You declare variables like

      var x:Y;

you refer to variables like

      a = z.x;


     if (z.x == 42) ...

Chris Velevitch
Manager - Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group
Flashcoders mailing list

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