Andreas Rønning wrote:
2. What the hell is going on with "this" here

class ParseXML{
   private var xmlDoc:XML;
   private function handleXML(){
   function ParseXML(url:String){
       xmlDoc = new XML();
       xmlDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
       xmlDoc.onLoad = handleXML;

I'd write that like this:

class ParseXML {
    private var _xmlDoc : XML;
    function ParseXML( url : String ) {
        _xmlDoc = new XML();
        _xmlDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
        _xmlDoc.onLoad = function () {
            trace( this );
        _xmlDoc.load( url );

Clearer? The original version isn't defining a method for the class, it's defining a function and assigning it to a variable. In the spirit of calling a spade a spade, it's better to define an anonymous function where it's actually used.

- Robert
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