Tyler Wright wrote:
This conversation has now been posted to http://codext.xtyler.com/code/2
I've posted a summary along with a direct quote of the entire conversation
which I hope will continue to receive contributions.  If everyone approves,
I'll send it off to MM, though I know they also keep up in the Flashcoders
list and have perhaps already most of this.

Thanks. In the recent rush I haven't been able to read "Who wants MIDI?" much less abstract it.

Were you able to get a sense from the whole list of (a) which specific MIDI (or MIDI-like) features & implementations are most desired; and (b) how much they'd be willing to pay for this in player size?

Do you know what size of MIDI engine would work best for you, for which MIDI abilities, for instance?

Anyone also know the link the the MM wish list?

Searching "macromedia wish list" pulls up

I know that MIDI or Beatnik or other audio-via-instructions has been on the wishlist for awhile, although specific wishes vary in the amount of the General MIDI spec they need, and wishes vary in how much of a player download effect they'd accept.

> I’d like to take a poll. Do you think MIDI should be included
> in the Flash Player? Why or why not? I want both votes and
> opinions as I’ll organize the results and send them off to
> "Adobe, formerly known as Macromedia". Please respond with
> some sort of opinion whether it’s pro or con.

Hmm, that sounds sort of mom-and-apple-pie... who would *not* want a new ability? The big questions are precisely which abilities under that general "midi" label most people actually want most, and what they'd be willing to pay for it, in terms of slower audience adoption or greater disparity across devices or whatever....?


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
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Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.
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