Hi, I need some advice from you guys :) I have an XML Driven FLash APP,
basically it's a tool that displays charts and data in grids, containers,
etc...that my client will handout in CDs. So at the beginning of the
development process I thought XML would suit perfectly in the purpose of
this app. But it happened that the DB used to generate the apporpiate XML
files that my app consume had grown amazingly so eventually my app
(exclusively the part that searches for an specific registry entry) turns
very slow and sometimes (rarely but happens) it crashes due to the
exhaustive loops and interations i do in order to the search/display data of
an specific registry and filtering functions.

So i thouhgt, upon your experience,  to ask how would you do to optimize
this thing or what its the best way to do the queries to an XML in order
smooth things a little bit more :) Or what approaches (or guidelines ) do
you use when you have to develop an app. that will have XML to serve as its
DB. Do you load everysingle XML at once ? on demand ? etc ?

Thanks in advanced!
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