Hello. Im doing a test loading from xml information to load into one movie
clip one photo and having a number menu. When i press one of those numbers a
function subAppear makes the movieclip slide from the top.

Wht i dont understand is that he loads the photo, but the function doesnt
work..i tried to test the function without loading the xml and the function
works good..but when i load the xml..it doesnt..any help?

Thanks in advance...and here is the code from the function and the function
that creates the buttons

Jose Maria

function subAppear(mc:MovieClip, val:Number, target:Number):Void {

   mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
       if (target-this._y<0.2 && this._alpha>99) {
           this._y = target;
           delete this.onEnterFrame;
       if (this._alpha<101) {
           this._alpha += val;
       if (this._y<target) {
           this._y -= (this._y-target)/4;

function createPhotofolio():Void {
   for (i=0; i<photoMenu.length; i++) {
       newBut = _root.attachMovie("but", "but"+i, 9999999+i);
       newBut._x = 33+(newBut._width+5)*i;
       newBut._y = 380;
       newBut.txt.text = [i+1];
       newBut.link = photoMenu[i].firstChild.firstChild;

       newBut.onRelease = function() {
           loadMovie(this.link, imagem_mc);
           subAppear(imagem_mc, (i+3), 95);

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