This is an age-old problem but I still can't find a decent solution.
I'm looking for a JavaScript library or script for browser back-button
support for Flash, and one that uses the hash notation in the browser
window so users can navigate to points in a Flash movie through the
address bar, e.g. mypage.html#page123.

There are so many about and they all seem to be overly complex, use
Flash 5 code, require twenty different JavaScript files and two or
three hours to get your head around what it is exactly you're supposed
to do to get it to work, and even then it'll only work in Internet
Explorer 5.5 on a Tuesday morning.

I'm using SWFObject and Flash 8, so a simple, easy to use, drag and
drop back button functionality would be ideal.  Anybody know of such a
beautiful thing?

Thanks lorry loads.
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