I'm guessing you're using the version of IIS that comes with XP when
running locally.  That version has a very low limit on the number of
concurrent connections it allows.  It's possible that you're hitting
that limit when running locally (Flash might not be completely closing
the connections or doing other weird things with them).  I've seen my
IIS setup get messed up sometimes where it would think it was always
hitting the limit, and I'd have to reboot.

Try running it faster to the point where you get the error, and when
you do try browsing to something served by that machine in IIS and see
if you can get to it.


On 3/31/07, Costello, Rob R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear all

I am using sendAndLoad to extract data from an MS Access db, via an ASP

When running on my localhost, this only works if I restrict calls to the
asp/db to about one per 30s.

Any more, and the XML.onLoad callback returns a "success" value of false
- (ie fails!)

It does work fine if I step through very slowly - 1 page access per 30s.

Its like the database is still tied up after the first access.

I assume that I have some permission or database setting set
incorrectly, but I can't find it.

The ASP pages close the SQL connection when finished

(Have also added all the iusr and (helper accounts) permissions I can
think of for the wwwroot folder)

This did run fine on a slower laptop at one stage (it was also XP, but
it was an older version of Flash - mx2004. Now using Flash8)

Any insights or help very greatly appreciated



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