It sounds like either:

Your client has got his laptop configured incorrectly. It's possible to drive a 4x3 monitor at resolutions with different aspect ratios. I've seen this on my PC laptop, but MacBooks spare the user the distortion by cropping the displayed view to render it without distortion.

Or, you need to fix the aspect ratio of your movie. Try using scale=exactfit and width and height = 100%. This should display at the correct aspect ratio as long as the monitor setup correctly.

Corban Baxter wrote:
hey guys,

I'm working on a flash piece to be displayed on a 16x9 television but the
laptop our client is using is 4x3. So when all the art is mirrored onto the
TV we get a bunch or squishing of the graphics. Anyone have some type of
good fix for something like this? Thanks in advance.

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