Hi List,

Couple of questions about AIR and NativeWindows.
- How do i set the width and height of an NativeWindow? Can i do that in the code or only in the descriptor file? - Can a NativeWindow also be an MovieClip (living in the library with linkage) and how do i set this?
- Can a NativeWindow be composed of multiple movieclips?
- Can a NativeWindow be masked with another NativeWindow (to create a sliding panel below the other NW) - Is it possible to animate an NativeWindow (using third party classes like Tweener)

What i would like to accomplish is this: The AIR app launches in a certain width and height but when i click a button, the app unfolds to a bigger version with the content, can i, at certain times set the size of my NativeWindow bigger? (The problem that i dont want is that when my app unfolds, my 'appllication canvas' is actuly bigger that what the user sees. When you dragg the app i want the draggeble area to be confined to the size of the current stat of my application)

Help is appreciated :)


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