I'm using XP, i have noticed that on Vista it doesn't do it, on mac it is also a bit weird. I think i have found something, namely NativeWindowBounds, i'll let you know about my findings


Matthew James Poole wrote:
Ah I see.

Oddly I don't actually get that border when dragging the employees app,
which OS are you using?

... You could always ensure that your main NativeWindow is always
maximised and other 'windows' inside are just MovieClips, but that's a
bit hacky

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sidney
de Koning
Sent: 18 January 2008 10:45
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Windowing in AIR

Hi Matthew,

I have placed the screenshots online at: http://www.funky-monkey.nl/flashcoders/
The border you see, is the border that appears when i drag the app. I
have placed the EmployeeDirectory also in the screenshot so you can see
the difference.

Hope this makes it more clear,



Matthew James Poole wrote:
Screen shots would be good please mate - I don't seem to get any problem with the sample AIR, I'm probably still misunderstanding the issue though ;)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sidney

de Koning
Sent: 17 January 2008 10:52
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Windowing in AIR

Well, kindof, if you install that EmployeeDirectory app, you see that when you drag, the size of the window is only as big as the content, and then your operating system displays an border for how big the app is(only if you dragg it). when the app is folded out (when you press the little i button) and you start dragging you see that the border when you drag it, is again just as big as the app. What happends with my app is that that border always stays the same, the size of my canvas i specify in the Flash IDE, and cannot make it any smaller. The bounds of my app will never confine to my content but

only to my canvas. I want my bounds to be smaller accourding to the state of my app. Does that make any sense to you?

If not clear, i can make some screenshots and place on my website if that helps,



Matthew James Poole wrote:
...Ok, I think I see what you mean. NativeWindows are always rectangular
- The OS doesn't allow anything other than this. So the dimentions of

the NativeWindow will always be bigger than the size of the content if
it isnt rectangular in appearance.

The work around for this is to not to set your drag on the containing

NativeWindow, but put it on your next container inside that... Does that answer your question?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sidney
de Koning
Sent: 17 January 2008 10:01
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Windowing in AIR

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the answers; like i said:

The problem that i dont want is that when my app unfolds, my 'appllication canvas' is actully bigger that what the user sees. When

you dragg the app i want the draggeble area to be confined to the size
of the current state of my application). When your current state is smaller than your canvas, you still see the border.

For instance when you look at the EmployeeDirectory app, on http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/air/samples/ and when it folds open
the 'canvas' is also stretched, and when you drag it, the borrder is only confined to the current state of the app.

Can you tell me how this can be realized?

Cheers, Sidney

Matthew James Poole wrote:
Hi Sid,

1. NativeWindow's have height and width properties, so you should be

able just to set these directly 2. A NativeWindow is just that - an OS
native windo - so at best you can have a MC in a NativeWindow 3. see
- a NativeWindow can have many MC's inside it...
4. Not really, though if it was the same size it would appear to be masked (assuming the top one was visible) 5. Yes just set the width and height, x and y properties onEnterFrame


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sidney
de Koning
Sent: 17 January 2008 09:16
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: [Flashcoders] Windowing in AIR

Hi List,

Couple of questions about AIR and NativeWindows.
- How do i set the width and height of an NativeWindow? Can i do that
in the code or only in the descriptor file?
- Can a NativeWindow also be an MovieClip (living in the library with
linkage) and how do i set this?
- Can a NativeWindow be composed of multiple movieclips?
- Can a NativeWindow be masked with another NativeWindow (to create a
sliding panel below the other NW)
- Is it possible to animate an NativeWindow (using third party classes
like Tweener)

What i would like to accomplish is this: The AIR app launches in a certain width and height but when i click a button, the app unfolds to
a bigger version with the content, can i, at certain times set the size of my NativeWindow bigger? (The problem that i dont want is that when my app unfolds, my 'appllication canvas' is actuly bigger that what the user sees. When

you dragg the app i want the draggeble area to be confined to the size
of the current stat of my application)

Help is appreciated :)


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