On May 2, 2008, at 2:52 PM, Glen Pike wrote:

I am not sure I agree entirely with you here.

Whilst I believe that Open Source software has so much to offer, I cannot believe that an Open Source version of the Flash IDE would provide such a rich feature set AND work as well as the IDE without a significant investment in time and effort. If you think about the time and effort invested into the IDE itself to get where it is today, how many open source projects with IDE's have that sort of longevity or investment? Eclipse, the various flavours of OS and Open Office spring to mind, but I think one of the driving points behind this factor is the demand for these tools. Even with it's popularity, I don't think Flash has the same level of demand.

I think you are speaking from a programmers viewpoint. The Flash IDE is not just for programmers and has primarily evolved from a visual tool.

I actually meant the huge gap between flash cs3 ide and flex builder 3. Adobe totally left flash ide based designers with programming skills and popped up with a tool i needed 3 days to get through the initial setup and learn how the big differences in working with flash ide .fla based projects and flex builder 3 projects and still have problems to understand a lot of flash cs3 <--> flex 3 connectivity

i know i know, thermo is coming and is promising to fill the gap.. of course flash ide as to this day is the ONLY one providing an .fla, so we can't actually have any comparable alternative. so i wouldn't say there is no flash ide killer on it's way

Whilst some of the programming features may not be upto scratch with other systems out there, look at the way the actionscript panel works - it has always been aimed at getting stuff working and making it easier for non-programmers to achieve some of their ideas. As ActionScript has got stricter, the ActionScript panel has possibly not kept up with this.

I feel like being slapped on back of my head by adobe, telling me you are an designer so stay with flash ide, and if u are developer switch to flex, i mean why should i feel that im left behind? i know the ide from bottom to the top, but programming with it is a huge pain, it's editor didn't changed since 8 to CS3, why is that? if they knew they gonna release an dev tool strict for developers (cause i wouldn't tell that flex is for designers) why didnt they made the ide ability to handle the demand of designers with some programming skills (as we all know you simply can't do things only with timeline based animation, or you will need a year for an navigation menu with some levels) im actually a typical designer, who stuffed his nose into programming after release of as3, first time i've seen the as2 --> as3 swap, i thought that there is something really really wrong. i needed an complete reset and forgetting all about as2, and learned as3 from scratch. as2 is somehow barley an programming language, where as3 drops you on the "real" OOP with it's roots in Java's Syntax. I know that a lot of ppl will laugh about me telling as3 is a real language a sin, but hey, i didn't never used something other then some basic JavaScript and as2 my entire life, so for me, as3 is indeed an programming language.

But, Adobe recognised this and came up with Flex Builder, which is aimed at developers. On a tangent, I personally feel that Flex Builder takes a lot of ideas from Dreamweaver, but because of Eclipse, has a better underpinning of tools for developers. However, it is not possible to satisfy everyone, especially hard core developers, animators, etc. who often pick big holes in the IDE, (and other tools), because the IDE works for the majority. Already there are alternatives that offer what people are looking for.

Im lucky they didnt want to invent the wheel 2 times, as eclipse is an quite good product, and i it has it's isses and pains, but it's running on ppl's computers since some time, and a lot of ppl simply get used to it. so building flex on top of eclipse was not that bad idea in my opinion.

Look at Flash Develop for the PC - I know that this is not Cross Platform, but there are tools for Mac users & Linux people that do similar stuff. And there are other tools which enable people to produce SWF's that can be used in projects too - Moho is an animation tool that has had IK for a while and exports to SWF, I guess Adobe realised that some of the animation stuff needed work, because we are getting IK in the next version...

Wow, they took the After Effects features and put those into Flash IDE, something really amazing. I find myself the AE interface and approach a way better then the Flash IDE, still using both is not that different in its basics, but AE got some really nasty features i will be happy to se in Flash IDE, let's hope the next version would have a better programming interface/editor, as i dont need flex for my purposes. I think there is a gap for a tool that make some
designers with programming knowledge happy

Take a look on Processing, it's a great great example how they could make it, you can do stuff directly in Processing, and when u get it you can build things directly in java after learning Processing, the learning curve in this process was for me a lot better! When i first saw Java Syntax i didnt even know what i was looking at, after 4 months i actually write some stuff in java already.

As for Vista, i still can't believe M$ took 5 years to develop it.. I wish and pray to adobe that they will port at least photoshop and illustrator to linux,
so i can stay far far away from Vista :)

All these are my personal insights ;] i can be right or i can be wrong.
i can't help my english being so crappy, hopefully everyone understand what i mean.

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