Thank you everybody for your replies.
They are very useful to see how to approach
this issue.

In our case we can't keep the state 100% in the server,
because we have action single player games, with lots
of users. Sending the state continuosly would mean
too much traffic.

But I think we can use timestamps on the
server side to calculate how long users played, and
what's the maximum amount of points for that time span.

This way, if you want to cheat, you have to spend a lot
of time simulating you are playing... Also encrypting the
scores in variables makes it impossible to change
values directly in memory (which is very easy otherwise).

I found these two links which are related to our problem: and

Have a nice evening =)

Ricky Bacon wrote:
Abe Pazos wrote:
How does it work in online casinos? I guess the result
is probably calculated before it happens on server side,
so you just see a representation. This is possible in cases
where the input are some numbers, and the result is
calculated from that input. But this involves no real
user interaction.

It works the same way for any game, you have to run the game state on the server side. Online casinos use it, as do MMOs.


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