On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 11:42 AM, allandt bik-elliott
(thefieldcomic.com) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if you do make a test, you have to give the applicant a chance to do it in a
> natural environment, like that test you did where you could take it home.

I don't agree with taking it home. That gives too many opportunities
to go away and copy the answer from somewhere else.

I do agree with giving them some space without you standing over them.

I don't agree with giving access to the internet. The tests should be
designed to test general programming and design logical thought rather
than knowledge of extensive APIs (even expert AS and Java coders are
constantly referring to the API docs; I wouldn't penalise anyone for
not knowing the exact list of parameters any given function takes -
that's what code hinting is for).

Anway, it's not exact syntax you're looking for (that may well stray
under interview pressure). It's the general approach and getting them
to explain why they're doing it that way.

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