

sebastian wrote:
hello coders, I was wondering if anyone had a favorite blog and/or zine they are reading? preferably with RSS so I can plug it into my favorite news-paper style RSS reader: http://www.netvibes.com

I'm interested in the following areas related to flash/AS2/3/flex:

* (new) cutting edge applications / beautiful websites made in above tech. that one shouldn't miss - ie new trends; from a boad type of different flash sites: animation, application, math-art, architectural etc.

* news about developments in the above tools, including new source code for case-studied code. example: someone makes a really nice cloud-effect, you can see the demo, and also grab the source.

* news about the adobe tools themselves [adobe is planning this on AS4, that on FLEX3 etc.]

* news about other websites providing interesting information related to flash/AS/flex. [so on-going hub center, one-point-of-contact to other related zine/blog websites]

* news about people/crews who put together new packages/frameworks, example: FUSE for AS3 released, or RED5 new release etc.

preferably with frequent updates too...

thank you so much!!!

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