Sure, you can use delay and delayIncrement together in a TweenMax.allTo()
call. They work great together.

Also, I should mention that I'm releasing a pretty significant upgrade to
the TweenLite/TweenFilterLite/TweenMax family soon. Probably the biggest
enhancement has to do with a new OverwriteManager class that gives you lots
of control of how (and if) tweens handle overlaps/conflicts, including an
"AUTO" mode that only overwrites individual overlapping properties instead
of the entire tweens. There are actually 4 modes from which to choose (NONE,
ALL, AUTO, and CONCURRENT). This means you'll probably never have to type
"overwrite:false" again. Keep an eye on for the

If anyone would like me to e-mail them when the update is ready, just let me
know by sending me an e-mail with "TweenMax update" in the subject. 


-----Original Message-----
From: allandt bik-elliott ( [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 10:27 AM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: [Flashcoders] TweenMax help needed

hi folks - i have a quick question

can anyone tell me if i use delay and delayIncrement in the same TweenMax
call, will they clash?


will delayIncrement:0.05 and delay:_delay overwrite each other?
TweenMax.allTo(aTilesToMove, .2, {_y:nMoveAmount, ease:Quad.easeIn,
delayIncrement:0.05, overwrite:false, , onStart:nextAnimationFrame,


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