Absolutely not - I've never heard of (or experienced) any problems with
intervals and TweenMax. I can't imagine anything TweenMax-related that would
cause the problems you described. I'd love to see your code, though. The
reason for the delayedCall() in TweenMax is just convenience. Timing is
synchronized with tweens and you can pause/resume all the delayed calls
(and/or tweens) at once. 

Feel free to send me your code - I'm sure we can figure out what the issue


-----Original Message-----
From: Allandt Bik-Elliott (Receptacle) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 12:38 PM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] TweenMax help needed


i actually found a workaround for my issue - i used the  
TweenMax.delayedCall to run my functions instead of running delay:  
and delayIncrement: and that seemed to fix the problem i had.

On a side note - i was using a setInterval to add pauses in between  
firing the different tweens i was doing (as part of a larger  
animation manager package) and it seemed to have problems doing both  
the tweens and the interval - the numbers i was passing to the  
interval were behaving very strangely - they were behaving like  
seconds rather than milliseconds and the whole interval would fall  
over after a couple of calls (hence me digging into the tweenmax api  
for the delay and delayedCall options). So it would seem that  
TweenMax doesn't play nice with setInterval. Is this a recognised  
issue (and the reason for a delayedCall method)?


On 24 Aug 2008, at 16:34, Jack Doyle wrote:

> Sure, you can use delay and delayIncrement together in a  
> TweenMax.allTo()
> call. They work great together.
> Also, I should mention that I'm releasing a pretty significant  
> upgrade to
> the TweenLite/TweenFilterLite/TweenMax family soon. Probably the  
> biggest
> enhancement has to do with a new OverwriteManager class that gives  
> you lots
> of control of how (and if) tweens handle overlaps/conflicts,  
> including an
> "AUTO" mode that only overwrites individual overlapping properties  
> instead
> of the entire tweens. There are actually 4 modes from which to  
> choose (NONE,
> ALL, AUTO, and CONCURRENT). This means you'll probably never have  
> to type
> "overwrite:false" again. Keep an eye on http://blog.greensock.com  
> for the
> announcement.
> If anyone would like me to e-mail them when the update is ready,  
> just let me
> know by sending me an e-mail with "TweenMax update" in the subject.
> Jack
> -----Original Message-----
> From: allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com)  
> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 10:27 AM
> To: Flash Coders List
> Subject: [Flashcoders] TweenMax help needed
> hi folks - i have a quick question
> can anyone tell me if i use delay and delayIncrement in the same  
> TweenMax
> call, will they clash?
> so
> will delayIncrement:0.05 and delay:_delay overwrite each other?
> TweenMax.allTo(aTilesToMove, .2, {_y:nMoveAmount, ease:Quad.easeIn,
> delayIncrement:0.05, overwrite:false, , onStart:nextAnimationFrame,
> onStartParams:[_oAnimationObject]});
> thanks
> a
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