And just in case someone asks... Yes everything is loading in well as I can trace to see all the objects and their properties as they are loaded.

well, now I have to figure out how to call a parent function without having to traverse or go global. JOY


Anthony Pace wrote:
OMG... its working again. Is something up with my version of the player? Is the debugger whacked?

It is doing exactly what I asked it to; yet, it only took my 12 times recompiling to get it to work... is it the flex SDK? I didn't change one bit of code; yet, it works all of a sudden.

This is going to drive me nuts.


Anthony Pace wrote:
Are there restrictions on how far you can traverse downwards to add children from your class?... it seams I can't go beyond a specific point I experience very weird display related errors.


Anthony Pace wrote:
OMG... I am having the problem again... this time I checked the variables to ensure I didn't make any errors in placement or calling a var of the same name; yet, I might have missed something. I need to know what I am doing wrong...

last time it was a variable declaration...this time who know? I traced out and it shows that the bitmap data is going to my thumbnail class; however, it is not being added

Am I not able to do the following?:


By the way you seem to know a lot about AS3 do you ever work in Canada?

Cor wrote:
Not exactly. You can use string references
var blah:Object = new Object();
blah["names"] = ["Anthony", "Cor"];
blah["countries"] = ["Canada", "The Netherlands"];

for (var person:String in blah){
    trace(person + ": " + blah[person]);

... call the GC manually if you know you are potentially running out of

Yes, but then again, with 4 GB... :-)

... I would like is the ability to read memory addresses and adjust it
manually; yet, I know this would be a serious security issue.

There is a possibility to flush memory.
Never used it myself so I can't give you an example now.

...You said I can see a list of active listeners... how to? package{
    public interface IEventDispatcher    {
function addEventListener(eventName:String, listener:Object,

function removeEventListener(eventName:String, listener:Object,

        function dispatchEvent(eventObject:Event):Boolean;

        function hasEventListener(eventName:String):Boolean;
        function willTrigger(eventName:String):Boolean;

...I hear flash treats a lot of objects like pointers to speed up the
display, do you know if that is true?
Yes, this is correct.

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